Wednesday, February 11, 2009

4 am

I love caffeine. Maybe I love caffeine too much. I feel like it has become impossible for me to fall asleep organically these days. There's a strong, and bad, combination of having gone for a solid day without caffeine and then jumping right back into my normal 5 sodas and 2 coffees a day, having been sick for 2 weeks now (i forget, is this my third cold, or is it just impossible for me to get well?), not being able to breathe for any reason without being completely stuffy - i mean, come on, how many times an hour can a person blow their nose??- having taken, for two nights in a row, cold medicine to make myself fall asleep, having had a really fantastic night, something which never ceases to keep me up at night - go figure- and of course, there's the whole thing where i have been working out muscles that have been seriously neglected in the course of the past three months and so therefor hurt like crazy right now, leaving me feeling like i've been run over by a huge truck at 4 am, thinking that there's no way i'm going to be any more awake for my 8 am spiritual formation class than I was on monday when I woke up and found out that the tylenol night time medicine that I had taken did NOT fully wear off.
My teacher will be so thrilled.

So here I am, blogging world, 4 am and no sleep in sight. Perfect, you say, now you can update us on your life.
I bought the 40D tonight, something that fills me with great satisfaction. It's an amazing camera, the clarity difference between the 40D and my XTi is astounding, and it just feels right when I hold it. Paul was right, there's a huge difference between the plastic feeling of a lower end camera and the more solid feel of a higher end camera, and that is something that I love. I honestly cannot wait to have Paul's lens on my camera; the 50 mm f/1.8 is a thing of beauty and I'm sure i'll be totally blown away by the wide angle.
My friends and I have finally decided where we're going for spring break, and I'm thrilled to say that Hawaii has never sounded so good :D the hotel looks amazing, the view looks unbelievable, and everything that my mom has told me is just eating away at my patience; how will I ever wait 6 more weeks?! The flight is something like 10 hours long, plus a 3 hour layover, plus another 1 ish hour flight. It will be the longest flight/day of my life, but honestly I couldn't think of a better way to spend it, knowning that you're going to go to bed that night in Hawaii, the most beautiful place on earth.
I've come to terms with some friend things lately, as well. I've become more independant, friend wise, and I think that is a good thing. We'll see how things pan out, I really hate how I get my hopes up for good changes in my life, and then over think things until I realize that I'm really disappointed in how things turned out. But so far, so good.

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