Wednesday, January 7, 2009

New Year's Resolutions


This list is strictly an outline of things that I want to accomplish this year. None of these things are complete deal breakers, however I'd like to do as many as possible, if not more. I'm sure that I will be adding to this list as the year goes on, as well. I know that making a list doesn't really fit with being less uptight, but I work best when I have a list. Then I can at least see what I've done and what I haven't and check to make sure I'm following through with my own resolution. In general, I'd just really like to say yes more. I have a really bad habit of saying no to things because I've always been the good child. I never broke the rules when I was a kid, the most I ever did was talk back to my parents, and now that I've gotten past that stage of my life, I'd really like to dive in and experience life. Maybe I've been too nervous in the past, maybe I've been overly cautious, and maybe it's been a good thing. But I think it's time to stop worrying about needless details and start living my life. I don't want to look back on my college years and think "wow, I guess I really didn't do much...", I want to look back and not be able to remember half the things I did, I want to have stories to tell and I want to be able to laugh.

My 2009 List
Smoke a cigar don't get me wrong, I'm not into smoking; never have been, never will be. but i feel like, this is one of those things that guys get to do and girls don't. or...they do and they end up looking trashy. i want to take advantage of the situation and do it because i can, and because i'll never do it again.
Smoke a hookah again, nothing i'm advocating. but this year one of my friends asked me to go to a hookah bar with him and i declined, after much persuasion on his part. it's something i could easily have said yes to, but i turned him down for no good reason. i need to rectify that.
Go to New York/Hawaii a few friends have casually invited me to to go both places this summer. i don't want to just talk about going, i want to actually go. i'll have money this summer from shooting a few weddings, i'm really banking on that. if i had it my way, i'd go to both places. i'll settle for one or the other if time doesn't allow, but i'd really like to do both.
Go surfing this goes along with a trip to Hawaii. if i go to Hawaii i refuse to let the opportunity pass.
Go snowboarding come on, seriously, i live in the north! how have i not been snowboarding yet??
Get a tattoo this is tricky, i need a good idea for a tattoo!
Stop being the DD yes. i'm the dd. mostly because i'm the one that drives catie and myself to parties, so i'm the one that drives home, although catie doesnt drink either. so i am thinking at least once this year i should hand the keys over to catie.
Drink alcohol this one has already been accomplished - a few shots of tequila and a few too many mimosas over christmas break.
Go to a club seriously, fort wayne finally opened an under 21 club, and i haven't been yet. for all my talk i feel really ridiculous. i love dancing, i have no reason not to go, other than i stress over the minor details about going to a club. i will go.
Travel out of the country i'm hoping for japan ;) i can't say more or i'll jinx it!
Go to Florida (or somewhere equally fun) for Spring Break spring break was made for parties. i always end up coming home for spring break, as everyone else is leaving for florida or cali or wherever. this year, none of that. i'm going somewhere other than south carolina for spring break.
Start babysitting i made excuses this year. i had ample opportunities to babysit and i turned them all down. i need to stop making excuses and start saying yes to people. a little extra money is never bad. and i love kids.

Find a second job i need money. i need to be less afraid of a new job, and more interested in making money so i can get an apartment.
Buy a new camera, whether you can afford it or not this will be a hard one. i DO need a new camera; a canon 40D is my preference. i need it before june, and i've started saving. if i don't make the money i need by that time, i'll dip into my own money - other than what i'm saving. and i will be fine with that.
Leave my cellphone at home i think most of the time my cell phone is the cause of all my stress. i'm constantly checking it for texts or calls or whatever. no one will die if i leave my phone at home and don't text back instantly. i'll feel better about myself, it's a liberating feeling when you don't have something attached to your hip.
Read more - magazines, books, silly things, everything sometimes i think i feel like i need to only read books. but i sat and read cosmo this morning by the lake with my phone turned off. it was amazing, i haven't felt so peaceful in a very very very long time.
Be late sometimes i'm crazy about being on time! i'm always ten minutes early. this year, i'm going to allow myself to be late a few times.
Sleep in i literally lay in bed in the morning stressing about how i need to get up and get dressed, and then i realize that i have nothing to do. there's nothing wrong with sleeping in. it's good for you.
Dance! to me, dancing = being completely uninhibited. i'm even a little self conscious to dance by myself, with no one else around. the ultimate test will be if i can dance around complete strangers. it's no big deal at one of Jarrod's parties; no one is sober enough to notice if i'm a complete idiot or not.
Wear my hair curly i obsessively straighten and restraighten my hair everyday. it's always bone straight, and i actually have really curly, wavy hair. i'm going to destress, and let my hair be curly.
Give someone my number the ultimate test of my self confidence and courage. i'm going to give a complete stranger my number. i mean, hell, i've gotten numbers from guys, and it's never been a weird thing. so there shouldn't be any reason for me to feel weird about giving mine to a guy.

I don't expect to be able to fulfill every single one of these, but I do expect to at least try. I hope that by the end of the year I'll be able to look back and laugh at how silly my fears and insecurities were at the beginning. This will be a growing experience and a challenge and I'm seriously looking forward to it.

What are your new years resolutions?

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